We've FLIPPED for our new school!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I'm often asked what defines an alternative high school. What type of student attends such a school? There are no clear definitions, yet one that broadly defines the New Saline Alternative is this: a learner-centered, ad-hoc assembly of students and instructional staff that are in some way dissatisfied with the mainstream, traditional high school education.' Stereotypical concepts of the alternative model bring to mind thoughts of disengaged youth; those who have dropped out of the traditional high school and for some, dropped out of life.

My vision of the alternative high school is one where students are very engaged in their learning. So engaged in fact, that for most, they define what individual path they will choose that will culminate in a high school diploma. The alternative path allows students to explore career paths while practicing newly acquired academic skills.

Flexibility is critical, as is an individualized learning plan, ample adult coaching and on-site opportunities to develop and practice employability skills that are readily transferrable into the work place or into the post-secondary setting. Helping students to realize their unique gifts and how those talents can be transformed into "what comes next" is the essence of the alternative high school.

The flexibility mentioned above offers the alternative student the opportunity to progress through the requisite Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements in as accelerated or remediated a pace as necessary. There are no pre-requisites for any coursework; students may elect as few or as many classes as desired during each designated marking period. As a result, a student may elect a marking period of off-site service learning as an extension of his/her educational development plan. A second marking period might be all classroom-based instruction and a third, a combination of the two.

The alternative high school provides a flexible path to a high school education where students can feel safe to explore a potential career or academic interest without fear of ridicule, judgment or criticism. While students will be held to a new standard for attendance and academic accountability, the New Saline Alternative will put requisite supports in place to allow each student to explore a personal passion while earning credits toward a high school diploma.

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