One of the criteria by which we judge a program's success is through student achievement. Is it working?
All of the students in the NEW Saline Alternative are enrolled in core classes offered through Education 2020 (e2020), an online accredited vendor. Their experience in these core classes can be individualized, with accommodations such as extended time or pre-testing added as applicable. The classes provide academic rigor and consistency in curriculum delivery. Further, as necessary, staff members offer tutorial or re-teaching.
During the first six-week marking period, the fifty-three students enrolled at the NEW Saline Alternative completed 64 courses in e2020. They took Biology, Algebra II, Economics, English, US Government, Career Planning, Financial Math, Environmental Science, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Health, Physics.....and many more course offerings. Progress has been, well, REMARKABLE!
Staff members award each student upon completion of a course in e2020. The hall lockers are now adorned with paper trophies, each depicting a completed class. I've felt a renewed sense of academic competition - and academic interest! - as students compare their list of achievements to those of their classmates.
So, is it working?
To date, five students have completed all requirements for high school graduation. On October 18, 2010, the first graduate of the NEW Saline Alternative received his diploma, a full eight months prior to classmates at traditional high schools. With a firm plan in place, he has enrolled in college level courses at the local community college and has his sights set on the Peace Corps. If earning a high school diploma and having a solid post-secondary plan in place is the mark of success, then the early reports decisively indicate, YES!